Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I have seen a lot in my more than 30 years in the Information Technology field, from mainframes, minis, PCs to the last line of devices with which we seem to be in love. I have also met many people in this industry, from serious professionals who made notable contributions to charlatans selling the latest snake oil line. However, it is this last group that bothers me. It is true that very good technology has been introduced to help accelerate programming and system development, but I believe that most people are deceived by those who promise quick results at a fraction of the current price. It is interesting how people bite the hook, are surrounded by the seller and wonder what will hit them when they finish in the boat.

I do not think that I.T. People are alone in this regard. If you see night infomercials, most try to seduce our primary weaknesses, specifically health, and greed. Simply put, they tell us: "Don't worry, take the path of least resistance." For example, we all know that to lose weight we need to monitor what we eat and do some exercise, but that sounds much more difficult than taking a pill or a dietary compound. The same is true in finance where we need to maximize our income and minimize our expenses. Instead, we have many self-proclaimed gurus who offer us to show us their secret way of earning millions, for a nominal charge, of course. I always ask: "If these guys are so smart, why are they letting us know their little secret?" It is very possible that they have succeeded with something, but what makes you think you can emulate their success? I suspect that your response requires a life-changing experience and, if you can't make the change, I guess it's too bad for you. I noticed that none of these people offer money back guarantees.

I think this "Take the easy path" mentality says a lot about our credulity. Someone has to be biting the hook, otherwise, these infomercials would have disappeared long ago. This eternal pursuit of the golden bullet is linked to our childhood belief in things like the heroes of the comic, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. For example, consider the millions that are made in movies like "Superman," "Batman," "Spiderman," "The Matrix," "Star Wars," etc. Everyone gets nervous with the public who sincerely hopes and dreams of emulating such characters. It is a little scary when some people cannot distinguish between reality and pure fantasy. However, isn't this what the charlatans are selling?

No Virginia, there is no click here for the cbd blog, everything requires some kind of hard work to see something come true. I'm sorry. I remember when Bruce Lee, the legendary martial artist, got big in Hollywood. Everyone thought that if a little boy like Bruce Lee could kick and hit his path to success, they could do it too, hence the huge growth of the martial arts industry. What they didn't realize was the amount of time and effort Lee put into mastering his trade. I am not saying that Lee could not have been emulated, but it requires the same level of commitment that Lee presented, which most people are not willing to do.

I trained Little League baseball for years and I was always surprised by parents who thought their son was going to be the next Major League superstar. One by one, I saw their balloons explode when they finally discovered that their son had no future in baseball and that he should be doing something else.

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