If you're reading this, I bet you're the type of man who has trouble getting the girl of your dreams to stay interested in you. However, it is not that you are doing something wrong or that you are somehow deficient; somehow, she just wasn't interested.
You've seen other men succeed where you failed, using the same techniques, but it seems like something is missing with your technique or maybe you just haven't read the right skill set for your inner talent. Take, for example, the approach where you may have no problem approaching the girl and opening the conversation, but you may fall short when it comes to closing the deal. Read on for some helpful tips ...
How to make a woman Amor you forever: with 3 super seduction addiction techniques
Technique # 1: Attachments are the enemy. The biggest problem men face today is that they depend too much on the approval of women. This dependence on girls is one of the first things you need to adjust within yourself, the reason is that girls, far from finding the attractive need, find it annoying. However, once you stop worrying about whether or not the girl approves of you, her interest in you will increase accordingly, as she perceives you as unreachable and a prize worth fighting for.
The best way to show that you no longer depend on female approval is to see a variety of girls at the same time. This has the added benefit of showing you where your options are and acting as a great confidence booster for you, allowing you to interact with girls on a more level playing field. The goal of this step is to make you realize that there is very little difference in how girls and boys approach relationships.

(Advanced) Technique # 2: Test hypnosis. Before explaining this technique, I must first issue a warning. Hypnosis is an advanced technique that will take you to any girl in 15 minutes. However, the morale behind this is questionable. Also, one of its negative side effects is total dependence on the person with whom you used the technique on yourself emotionally.
Hypnosis works by anchoring different emotions into verbal or physical cues, which effectively means that your emotions will be under your control. The end result is that his emotional experiences with you far outweigh the time he has spent with you. To compensate for this, his brain tells him that he has actually spent more time with you than he has, which makes him open faster.
The reason for its increase in popularity among the underground seduction community is because someone who uses it needs little or no knowledge of psychology or hypnosis. It is literally a technique that you can start using right away and get instant results.
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