Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 herbs with medicinal properties you should know about

While the Indians still practice Ayurveda (a medical science completely based on the medicinal properties of plants and herbs) and the Chinese swear by their traditional Chinese medicine, both parties have strong, compelling reasons to believe so much in the therapeutic properties of herbs .

Nature's bounty has a lot in store, and one of the greatest gifts it has had for us has been herbs with medicinal properties. Exotic herbs with medicinal values ​​may just be what can help you recover from an unforeseen illness. Don't want to know if all the medical benefits herbs can give you?

You must remember that not all herbs have medicinal properties and that not all herbs with medicinal properties can be obtained by anyone because of possible allergic reactions that are known to happen to most of the herbs. For the most part, however, herbs are an excellent alternative to modern medicine and are completely organic. Here are five herbs with medicinal properties that you can benefit from:

Eye protection: Loaded with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, Eyebright has always been used to treat patients with eye problems such as pinkeye or conjunctivitis. This herb, native to Europe, has been used as a traditional remedy for eye inflammation, eye irritation and other eye related problems. Introduced by a naturalist Hildegard (1098 - 1179) has been a must-have herb when it comes to many eye problems. Eyebright, of course, turns out to be very rich in vitamins A and C. It also comes with moderate amounts of B complex, vitamin D and weak deposits of vitamin E. When it comes to minerals, it has zinc, iron, silicon, iodine and copper.

Garlic: Did you know that despite the fact that garlic is one of the most common spices used on the culinary rich Asian continent, its real medicinal properties are unknown to most? Garlic also has a rich and lively history. Ever since 3000 B.C., it has been in use for its extremely rich medicinal properties. Taking moderate amounts of garlic can reduce the incidence of your heart risk by at least 67%. It is also known to reduce systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure. Garlic lowers lipid effects, lowers cholesterol levels (serum cholesterol - the bad cholesterol) and pumps up the lipoprotiens.

Gingko Biloba: This herb is one of the most important in the teachings and practices of ancient traditional Chinese medicine; the Chinese really have a high respect for this herb simply because it is a wonderful herb. Gingko Biloba - taken in the usual supplemental size of 40-200 mg - is literally cured as if it is a Panacea Blog- tuberculosis, cholera, bronchial overload, heart and kidney problems. Ancient Native Americans believe that it is also an effective cure for asthma. It is said that Gingko seeds improve your brain functions and sharpen you. In addition, Gingko can also help cure ear problems, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and many more health conditions. It also helps improve concentration, helps improve memory and creates a sense of calm when taken in small doses.

Ginger red: In ancient China (traditional Chinese medicine), tea made with ginger red is said to be able to cure cough, colds and flu. This tea is also said to cleanse and strengthen the lungs and kidneys. In China for approx. 2000 years ago, ginger was known to help with digestion and diarrhea. It is also known to help cure colic and heart disease. Tibetans use ginger red to provide energy for those suffering from various diseases. Ginger root is also said to cure people from dizziness, dizziness, motion sickness and nausea. When you chew ginger root, it is said to stimulate your salivary glands and is said to lift paralysis of the tongue.

Agrimon: The "all-cure" herbs - or so English thought - were known to cure and provide respite to those suffering from the most common conditions. It is said to cure people of all problems related to the kidneys, disorders associated with gallbladder and the liver. Agrimon is said to be a girl's next best friend after diamonds because it was recommended for use for many gynecological problems. Skin diseases, asthma, cough and colds were also known to be treated by agrimon.

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